Winter Wonderland
Well hello snow!!
It has snowed the passed weekend (finally!) As soon as I saw the snow I took my cam and took some BOMB pictures in the snow. I also got to take pictures with 2(!) dogs! Anyone who knows me knows that I'm terrified of dogs, especially the big ones. Whenever I see some dogs on the street you can see me take a huge walk around them, that's how scared I am of them.
But I saw these two cuties and took the chance to take a picture with them. The first dog was sooo cute. At first he didn't listen to his owners but eventually he did, he sat and looked straight at the camera. Ugh it was soo cute.. btw his name was Turbo.
The second dog was a freaakinn Husky! It was a perfect timing for the owner to walk her around. The name of this Husky was Helba, the owner told me that she doesn't really like taking pictures and apparently she was still super young. She was busy eating grass as you can see in the pictures. But we managed to get some cute shots with her too!
Hopefully you also had a chance to get some amaziing shots in the snow (if it was snowing)
This was a bit different then my other posts, but I still wanted to share these pictures with y'all.
Scroll down for all the winter piccass!